During the past few weeks, I published a series of 14 brief articles, applying the Bible’s Ten Commandments to personal, social, and cultural issues in the United States of America. The series is entitled, “Ten Words for a Broken Society.” It begins with three introductory posts, continues with ten articles addressing the Ten Commandments respectively, and concludes with a post addressing the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the Christian gospel.

Taken together, the Ten Commandments address holistically how we should live our lives in this world, including not only our personal ethic but also the sectors of society and spheres of culture that we influence. They overlap and interpenetrate. Each word from God interlocks with the other nine words. Submission to any one of God’s laws helps us to submit to the others. Conversely, disobedience to any one of God’s laws corrupts our ability to obey the other nine laws.

Let us, therefore, thank God for his life-giving law and for the Lord Christ who alone kept the whole of God’s law. He is God’s law fulfilled, God’s Word to the world, God’s salt and light for societies and cultures. May we conform our lives—individually and corporately—to his lifegiving law.

Here are the links to each of the articles (I appreciate any interaction via the website comment section):

Ten Words for a Broken Society (Preface)

Ten Words for the American Public Square

Ten Words about True Liberty to “Free” America

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#1: No Other Gods)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#2: No False Worship of the True God)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#3: No Dishonoring the True God)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#4: No Neglect of Rest and Worship)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#5: No Dishonoring of Authorities)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#6: No Unlawful Killing)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#7: No Unsanctioned Sex or Procreation)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#8: No Theft of Body, Heart, or Possessions)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#9: No False Witness)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (#10: No Discontentment)

Ten Words for a Broken Society (Afterword: Law & Gospel)


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