Tag "spirituality"

What the Doctors Missed: My Experience of Depression and Spiritual Disconnection

The first therapeutic assessment in my record, from July 2021, reads: “47 y.o. M with history of trauma and anxiety, with symptoms of PTSD, GAD, and depression.” In other words, some of this and some of that: post-traumatic stress disorder, general anxiety disorder, and depression. With a tip of the hat to my recent crisis, [ Read More ]

12 Lessons to Save Your Life

After having received Edith Eger’s The Gift from a friend, I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out to be one of the best books I’ve read in recent years. I’m generally skeptical of “self-help” books—often finding them simplistic and sing-songy—but The Gift is different. It is a heartfelt, wise, and eloquent book. The author [ Read More ]