Tag "politics"
I’ve been following politics in America since I was a child, and especially since college. I’ve listened to countless radio talk shows, watched an imponderable number of pundits on cable news networks, and read the political news and opinion columns of a dozen different papers. As a writer, I also publish opinion pieces regularly with [ Read More ]
Justice is, and always has been, “social.” That’s the nature of it. Justice is meted out in relation to people, and thus is social. To speak of “social justice,” therefore, is redundant. It’s similar to speaking of “transportation automobiles,” “writing pens,” or “true truth.” Thus, when this article uses the term “Social Justice,” it is [ Read More ]
One of the most devastating features of postmodern politics and activism is its innate ability to reverse the gains made by earlier reform movements. In an earlier post, we saw that this is true with race and racism. In this post, we will show why it is true also with feminism and women’s rights. What [ Read More ]
Postcolonial theory is something most Americans haven’t heard of. It is almost never mentioned by activists or media personalities. Yet, for decades it has shaped the thinking of America’s cultural elite and today pervades the thinking of everyday Americans. It plays a vital role in today’s politics. Here is what everyone should know about postcolonialism [ Read More ]
Over the past few decades, American politics has become something like the combination of a war, a carnival, and a Hollywood movie. It has been reduced to little more than theatrics and partisan combat. Because of this, many Americans have a negative view of the political sphere even as they participate in it through party [ Read More ]
What hath Christian progressivism to do with Christian conservatism? Little to nothing, the authors of a new study argue. In One Faith No Longer: The Transformation of Christianity in Red and Blue America, sociologists George Yancey and Ashlee Quosigk contend that the differences between these two groups are so significant that it is time to regard [ Read More ]
As a political opinion writer and speechwriter, I am generally amused by many of the critical comments people leave on my website or my Fox News Opinion pieces; sometimes I am amused because the comments are insults, other times because they are patently inane. Yet, other times, the critical comments should be taken seriously because [ Read More ]
Recently, I published a series of three articles on how to spot manipulation and stop it dead in its tracks. I explained how manipulation works, gave advice on how to spot it and stop it dead in its tracks. The first article dealt with interpersonal manipulation, revealing 12 ways manipulators attempt to control their target [ Read More ]
In any sphere of culture, leaders are trying to sell themselves and their views. In fact, the very reason these leaders often rise to the top is their ability to persuade people of the rightness of their views and decisions. Yet, often these leaders are so charismatic and persuasive that we are easily duped by [ Read More ]
It’s not as if we hadn’t been warned. During the middle of the twentieth century, the great theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer warned that Europeans and Americans lived in “a world come of age,” by which he meant a world in which they had learned to manage life without reference to God, and that this experiment in [ Read More ]