Tag "humility"
The book of Job is not the kind of light-hearted treatise that we pair with a warm mug as we curl up on the couch. It’s a somber, haunting reminder that life as we know it can change for the worse in the blink of an eye. Indeed, it’s the kind of book that we [ Read More ]
The fifth line of the Lord’s Prayer is “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Now that we have hallowed God’s name and his intentions, relied on him for provision, and practiced gospel-centered forgiveness, we have begun “playing offense” in the world of spiritual warfare. However, we need also to “play defense.” [ Read More ]
I’m going to ask you to, um, trust me on this: some of the people you think you can trust—whether friends, family members, clients, bosses, political leaders, or romantic interests—are fundamentally untrustworthy. It’s a lesson I’ve learned the hard way, and one that I wish to pass on. The common wisdom is that the only [ Read More ]
During the past two months, media hysteria that had been directed toward 2020 presidential candidates is now mostly being directed toward the epidemiologists, cultural commentators, and elected officials who are publicly discussing their views about how to manage the COVID-19 crisis. Cable news shows combine with social media virility to make every twist and turn [ Read More ]
During the modern age, the average shelf life of national constitutions globally has been 17 years, according to legal scholars at the University of Chicago. And yet, the United States has lived under the same constitution for nearly 250 years, the longest stretch of any nation on Earth. Why has our nation been able to [ Read More ]
The past decade in American politics has caused evangelical Christians to realize the extent to which we have been decentered socially, culturally, and politically. While we have seen some incremental progress in our advocacy for the pro-life position, we are experiencing consistent regression on other significant issues, such as religious liberty, human dignity, race relations, [ Read More ]