
Why I’m Not a Pacifist

No Christian—and for that matter, “no soldier worth his salt” (as General Schwarzkopf put it)—should be “pro-war.” We should desire peace. And yet there is disagreement on how to define the peace for which we aim and how to achieve the peace we envision. On one end of the spectrum are pacifists, who wish to [ Read More ]

Defending Religious Liberty in a Secular Age

During an era in which many or most Americans view historic and biblical Christianity (especially its teachings on gender and sexuality) as implausible, unimaginable, and even reprehensible, it will be surprising if religious liberty does not increasingly come under attack. Thus, in a recent Acton Institute podcast with Caroline Roberts, I outline the ways Christians [ Read More ]

Jordan Peterson: High Priest for a Secular Age

An article in The Spectator recently described Jordan Peterson as “one of the most important thinkers to emerge on the world stage for many years”—and they have a point. Peterson went from being virtually unknown in 2012 to perhaps the most famous public intellectual in the world in 2018. He has more than 2 million followers on YouTube and [ Read More ]

Why Smartphones Are Making Us Dumber (and What We Can Do about It)

Smartphones are making us unbelievably, mind-numbingly, aggressively dumb. Not merely dumb. Also lonely, depressive, narcissistic, compulsive, and cynical. But for the purposes of this brief article, dumb. Smartphones are making us into lumpen half-wits. I suspected it for years, as I realized that my smartphone distracted me continually, feeding the more superficial aspects of my [ Read More ]

Why We Kill the Weak

I am convinced that the single greatest cause of our time is the God-given call to uphold human dignity. Confessing that God created humanity in his image and redeemed us by the blood of his Son, any Christian ethic or politic worthy of the name must contend for the dignity of each person created in [ Read More ]