This week, I participated in an online symposium consisting of 12 very brief post-election answers to the question: “What has the 2016 election revealed about the state of the Church and its place in American culture, and how ought we (the American Church) move forward from here?” The other contributors and I (Bruce Ashford,  Hunter Baker,  Mindy Belz, Bill Brown,  Rod Dreher,  Maggie Gallagher, Jeff Hunt, Peter Leithart,  David Nammo,  R. R. Reno,  Warren Cole Smith,  Ed Stetzer,  John Stonestreet,  Mark Tooley,  Trevin Wax) submitted our brief answers a week before the election, so that our answers would focus more on the church’s ongoing mission in relation to American cultural realities, rather than focusing primarily a newly-elected President.

To access the symposium, click here.


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