Tag "religion of humanity"

How Europe Should Respond to the Challenge of Islam

One of the most intriguing writers I’ve encountered recently is French political philosopher Pierre Manent. I’ve just now finished Beyond Radical Secularism: How France and the Christian West Should Respond to the Islamic Challenge (2015) and thought it worth while to trace the main contours of the book. I’ll summarize briefly, with minimal interaction. Manent’s [ Read More ]

The Political Idol of Our Age

During winter of this year, I began a research project on idolatrous political movements, reading and re-reading texts such as Raymond Aron’s The Opium of the Intellectuals, Mircea Eliade’s Myth of the Eternal Return, Ryszard Legutko’s The Demon in Democracy, and Hannah Arendt’s Origins of Totalitarianism. These books focused on the evils of Communist socialism [ Read More ]