Tag "prayer"

Playing Christian Defense: Why the Fifth Line of the Lord’s Prayer is a Life-or-Death Matter

The fifth line of the Lord’s Prayer is “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Now that we have hallowed God’s name and his intentions, relied on him for provision, and practiced gospel-centered forgiveness, we have begun “playing offense” in the world of spiritual warfare. However, we need also to “play defense.” [ Read More ]

Does God Answer Prayer?

As a seminary professor, I get questions like this all the time. And while my answers typically differ based on the context and the person asking, there’s one element I always incorporate into the answer: God is real and he does answer prayers. I always make the point that “God is real” because if he is not [ Read More ]

The one thing we can do for Mollie Tibbetts

Expressions of anguish and hope are being heard from around the nation as the search for Mollie Tibbetts drags on. The 20-year-old University of Iowa student disappeared over three weeks ago. Experts believe Tibbetts’ disappearance involves foul play, likely an abduction by somebody she knew or had a non-threatening demeanor. Many around the nation have expressed solidarity [ Read More ]