Tag "polyamory"

Happy Valentine’s Day to Y’all. And These. And Those. (Romance after the Sexual Revolution)

Not for nothing, but the latest fruits of the Sexual Revolution are even more bizarre than most of us imagined. We knew things would get a little freaky, but maybe we didn’t know it would involve an upswing in polygamy, amorous activities with plastic women, or cuddling sessions with electric candelabra. But that is the [ Read More ]

Happy Valentine’s Day to You. And You. And You. (Polyamory as the New Normal)

Well. I’m not saying that we couldn’t see the train coming down the tracks. When society deifies sex, it deifies a jealous god. When a society makes sex ultimate, then of course it will abort the “unintended consequences” of sex, and normalize the procedure by referring to the deceased infant as “the products of contraception.” When a society absolutizes sex, [ Read More ]